Does registering my business with the state provide trademark protection?
Registering your business with the state does not provide trademark protection. While registering your business with the state is a legal requirement for forming a business entity, such as a corporation or LLC, it does not grant you exclusive rights to use that name as a trademark.
Trademark protection is separate from business registration and requires a separate application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Trademark registration provides nationwide protection and exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with specific goods or services.
Registering your business with the state primarily serves to establish your business entity's legal existence and prevent others in the same state from using the same or a similar name for their business entity. It does not necessarily prevent others from using the same or similar name as a trademark for their goods or services.
If you want to protect your business name as a trademark, you should consider filing a separate trademark application with the USPTO. This will provide you with stronger legal protection and exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with your goods or services nationwide.