Frequently Asked Questions
What is a trademark?
A trademark is a word or symbol typically designed to cause immediate identification by the viewer of a source for goods and/or services which inspires trust, admiration, loyalty with a perceived quality.
Why is it important to register a trademark?
A trademark is very important to a business or organization because the general public identifies the mark with the provider of good and/or services. This means the general public equates the mark with the reputation of the goods and/or services. An enterprise's trademark can frequently be its most valuable asset. The opportunities for expansion, franchising, and e-commerce in today's global economy make brand recognition and brand integrity more important than ever. A federal registration has a number of additional benefits. The registrant is given a nationwide exclusive right to use a trademark in the registered classes against all subsequent users. Federal registration can also be used as a basis for registering a mark in foreign nations. A federal registration can also be filed with the U.S. Customs Service to prevent importation of infringing foreign goods.
What is the benefit of having a registered trademark?
Protect against the use of similar marks.
Send cease and desist letters that have weight to them.
Get infringing marks taken of social media.
Don't let someone else beat you to filing a mark that is similar or the same. It costs a lot less to file a trademark than it does to rebrand or take legal action.
How long does the comprehensive search take?
The search time usually takes less than 1 week.
How long does the trademark registration process take?
The time it takes to register a trademark varies. Typically, however, the process takes 12 to 15 months. Once the application is submitted, it takes roughly 8 to 10 months alone to review it.