Trademark Search and Registration
Our flat fee services include:
Comprehensive search of the USPTO and all 50 states’ trademark databases, common law search, and domain name search for availability of your mark.
A legal opinion letter explaining the trademark search results regarding your proposed mark, the strength of your mark, and likelihood of success of your application.
One complimentary search on a back-up name, if necessary.
Attorney will prepare, file, and monitor your trademark application, respond to non-substantive office actions on your behalf, and forward the certificate of registration to you.
Includes USPTO filing fees for one international class ($250 - $350).
Copyright Registration
Our flat fee services include:
A review of the copyrighted work, preparation of the copyright application, and filing the application with the United States Copyright Office on your behalf.
Includes one original work of authorship, collective or derivative work.
Plus applicable filing fees charged by the Copyright Office.
“Protecting your brand and your unique story is what drives us. Let us help you navigate through the legal complexities to ensure your business is legally protected.”
— Laurie Williams Law Office